Delivering Tangible Results to Your Bottom and Top Lines...
We at Six Sigma Professionals are practitioners of a fully integrated approach for achieving Six Sigma performance for products, processes, and service systems. We apply integrated methods to the entire business value stream to achieve lasting bottom line results. We practice a unique 'principle-centered' approach to teaching and deployment to foster practical understanding of Six Sigma and true sustainability. We are providers of the leading technologies for achieving growth, profitability, and leadership through new product & service innovation.
We are leaders in the systematic integration of Computer-Aided Design for Six Sigma, Computer-Aided Robust Design (CARD), Computer-Aided Reliability (CAR), Axiomatic Design, TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Reliability Engineering, Robust Design, and TOC (Theory of Constraints) for implementation of Six Sigma and Design for Lean Six Sigma. Our areas of operation include Europe, South East Asia, Middle East, Canada in addition to USA.
Featured Product
Computer Aided Design For Six Sigma(CA DFSS)
This Six Sigma Professionals, Inc. (SSPI) offering will bring together two driving forces Computer aided design and Six Sigma Tools, Methods & Best Practices and show how the synergy of these forces can accelerate the engineering value creation process while reducing cycle time and improve quality and reliability. In virtual world, most of Six Sigma statistical concepts are NOT applicable. For example, replication in a computer-aided experiment will produce the same result even if the experiment was repeated thousands of time and therefore statistical error can't be estimated. Traditional DOE, hypothesis testing and confidence interval analyses will no longer be applicable. New methods and tools are required to aid the engineering design decision making process.
In the virtual domain, it is often difficult to building model transfer functions that approximate the true response behavior within the desired accuracy. Traditional statistical Six Sigma approximation techniques such as physical-based design of experiments and response surface methodology suffer from sever limitations and their virtual-world limited capability circumvent their application to generate accurate approximations for engineering applications even with typical engineering behaviors including nonlinearity.
This SSPI offering features project and program consulting, training & deployment on Computer-Aided Axiomatic Design, Design & Analysis of Computer Experiments, Computer-Aided Robust Design (CARD) & Computer-Aided Reliability (CAR) to name a few. These components can be deployed altogether or individually to fit your organization needs. Our consultants will work with you to customize a service program that exceed your expectations.
To know more, contact us @: info@sixsigmapi.com or (734) 765-5229.
Featured Books
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Axiomatic Quality : Integrating Axiomatic Design with Six-Sigma, Reliability, and Quality Engineering
The first book to integrate axiomatic design and robust design for a comprehensive quality approach
As the adoption of quality methods grows across various industries, its implementation is challenged by situations where statistical tools are inadequate, yet the earlier a proactive quality system is introduced into a given process, the greater the payback these methods will yield.
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Service Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Excellence
A roadmap to consistent, high-quality service for any organization
A service is typically something created to serve a paying customer, whether internal or external. Some services consist of several processes linked together while others consist of a single process.
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Simulation-based Lean Six-Sigma and Design for Six-Sigma
This is the first book to completely cover the whole body of knowledge of Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma with Simulation Methods as outlined by the American Society for Quality. Both simulation and contemporary Six Sigma methods are explained in detail with practical examples that help understanding of the key features of the design methods. The systems approach to designing products and services as well as problem solving is integrated into the methods discussed.
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Medical Device Design for Six Sigma: A Road Map for Safety and Effectiveness
The first comprehensive guide to the integration of Design for Six Sigma principles in the medical devices development cycle.
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Software Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Excellence
This proposal constitutes an algorithm of design applying the design for six sigma thinking, tools, and philosophy to software design. The algorithm will also include conceptual design frameworks, mathematical derivation for Six Sigma capability upfront to enable design teams to disregard concepts that are not capable upfront, learning the software development cycle and saving development costs.
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